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How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 14 Nov 2024, 15:29
by prougen
Start from hard disk,
There are all available modules "Desktop"
((( cinnamon, lxde, lxqt, openbox, kde ...
How to switch (at boot) the desired one ?
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 14 Nov 2024, 17:56
by Ed_P
Basically change the .xzm endings of the 003 Desktop modules you don't want to boot to .xyzm before booting.

How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 14 Nov 2024, 18:10
by Vic
Hi prougen
All you need to do is follow the directions in the cheatcodes.txt file located at /boot/docs/
Please read the entire file because there is alot of cool stuff you can do.
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 14 Nov 2024, 19:41
by Ed_P
I believe your referring to the noload= cheatcode option
Vic. So yes, changing the /boot/syslinux/porteus.cfg file before each boot would work also for

So would creating multiple MENUs.

How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 15 Nov 2024, 02:16
by prougen
Thank you very much everyone!
For prompt responses...
Straightforward solution to the problem
Without hassle??!
Stupidly straightforward
Unpack any Porteus image to any disk partition.
For example /dev/sda8 ...
(which is mounted on /mnt/sda8)
Copy to /mnt/sda8/porteus
Any files from
/* For example
/* ... 1/modules/
With index "003-***.xzm" - optional (cinnamon, gnome, kde5, lxde, lxqt, mate, openbox, xfce)
When starting Porteus from any media (CD, USB)
specify cheat codes:
from=/dev/sda8 changes=/mnt/sda8
A window with the option to select is loaded
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 15 Nov 2024, 02:28
by prougen
Or wiser (better) (more rational
Make a universal liveCD
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 15 Nov 2024, 19:19
by Vic
Yes Ed_P !
The "noload=" cheatcode is exactly what I meant.
" creating multiple MENUs."
Place all the DE modules in "base" and make a different menu entry for each DE.
Just remove the DE from the line "noload=" that you want to boot.
Code: Select all
APPEND noload=003-XFCE.xzm;003-LMDE.xzm;003-LXQT.xzm;003-CINNAMON.xzm;
Load KDE
APPEND noload=003-kde5.xzm;003-LMDE.xzm;003-LXQT.xzm;003-CINNAMON.xzm;
Have fun prougen
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 16 Nov 2024, 04:53
by Ed_P
That would work
I think another approach would too; put all the 003- modules in a separate folder and use the extramod= cheatcode.
/porteus/demods/003-XFCE.xzm 003-LMDE.xzm, etc and
APPEND extramod=/porteus/demods/003-XFCE.xzm etc for each DE.
The extramod= cheatcode works but may not with a base module like the 003s. I seem to remember doing it but don't recall the results.

How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 16 Nov 2024, 05:37
by Vic
Hi Ed_P
I wondered about the DE.xzm being loaded out of order with "extramod", which is why I picked "noload".
Hey prougen, wassup? Any updates?
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 16 Nov 2024, 15:05
by prougen
In general and in general
What's good about Porteus...
It doesn't load extra garbage, doesn't eat up the hard drive... and memory too.
The optimal solution (in my opinion) is to make a universal liveCD and everyone will be happy.
And I need to think about it when the time comes.
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 16 Nov 2024, 17:35
by Vic
Hey prougen
"make a universal liveCD and everyone will be happy"
That should include all the programs everyone could ever want too. That would be enough to fill a DVD 4.7 GiB and more.
Isomaster is the program for you. Available in the package manager if not already in the ISO.
I like to pick the components I want and keep the whole thing as small as possible.
Have fun
How to switch (at boot) the desired one desktop?
Posted: 16 Nov 2024, 23:13
by Ed_P
Vic wrote: ↑16 Nov 2024, 17:35
and keep the whole thing as small as possible.
That's basically what each Porteus ISO is. Also why each ISO is a different size.