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Post#1 by francois » 28 Feb 2024, 19:24

Some offer has begun for browsers available with Artificial intelligence features. For the linux platform there are at least two of them: Opera and Microsoft Edge: ... %20browser.

Do you have these on your porteus installation? Do you use these on any other platform? Your comments on such browsers would be appreciated on this thread.

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Post#2 by francois » 20 Mar 2024, 01:43

In a Wired article, some hint at where it may lead the user of AI driven web browser: ... ave-opera/
A little info about the general benefits, not very impressive.
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Post#3 by donald » 20 Mar 2024, 04:02

Yep, let the AI watch you, train the algorithm with your browsing habits -
text snippets, images, chats, opinions and whatnot -- what could possible go wrong?...

Just read the "Personalize the Web" paragraph.

Yeah browser, please AI preselect the web for me, you know what my interests are and
never,never provide me an opposite opinion; I don't have a brain of my own...nuff said.

...bright future..

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Post#4 by M. Eerie » 20 Mar 2024, 08:47

This all sounds to me like the same thing we already had with cookies, but taken to the next level.

An inordinate fight not to lose spot on the new trend bandwagon and an inordinate use of resources to get information from people for whatever reason/means.

The eternal struggle between short-term convenience and slavery on the long run. Madness
> Does not compute_ 🖖

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Post#5 by Ed_P » 20 Mar 2024, 16:16

Sounds normal to me. When I open my browser it takes me directly to here. When I search for stuff I see popups for similar things. When I write words are automatically spelled for me or variations are suggested, like on my cell phone. All good stuff. :happy62:

Except for people who hate. Then they get lured to sites about things/people they hate. :(

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Post#6 by Kulle » 23 Mar 2024, 10:09

You can use this page
in any browser without signing up and for free.
The page is in German, but if a question or task is asked in English, you will also receive the answer in English.

With precise questioning, one can also get help with bash programming. This is very helpful for me

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Post#7 by Kulle » 23 Mar 2024, 11:54

Addendum: The page is available in many languages. One can change the language.

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Post#8 by Rava » 26 Apr 2024, 01:19

donald wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 04:02
Yep, let the AI watch you, train the algorithm with your browsing habits -
text snippets, images, chats, opinions and whatnot -- what could possible go wrong?...
When you ask like so, I shall answer: ... blyGoWrong and/or ... mptingFate (Warning: TV Tropes!)
Or maybe you prefer it as a video:

Anyhow, as soon as some half-baked chat-robots were available approx a year ago some greedy companies tried to kick off all freelance reporters and let the chat robot do the reporting, and while it seems such chat robots are good at technical knowledge (like "how to use tar to extract a file") they make up utter nonsense when it comes to more complex human stuff. Especially we humans understand how sentences are meant to be understood because we get the social cues, while chatbot doesn't get that.

The hilarious result was utter crap nonsense reporting, and not once, but twice in that much months.

When it's greed and more greed that drives the want for AI, the results will be less quality for all and more money for the richest. Or in short, if we ignore the half percentile: we all lose.
Yours Rava

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Post#9 by Ed_P » 26 Apr 2024, 22:17

The above post should be deleted. It is a fake Rava posting by an AI app. :o

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Post#10 by Kulle » 27 Apr 2024, 07:13

I have tried few AI in the meantime
I found Bing Copilot to be the best: ... C9E4BD72B8

I have given Bing Copilot this task:

Write a bash script using nmcli
All available WLAN networks should be listed numbered.
After entering the desired number, the password of the network should be asked for and the connection should be established.

And this was the result:

Code: Select all


# Verfügbare WLAN-Netze auflisten und nummerieren
networks=($(nmcli -t -f SSID device wifi list | awk -F: '{print $1}'))
for i in "${!networks[@]}"; do
    echo "$((i+1)). ${networks[i]}"

# Benutzereingabe für die gewünschte Nummer
read -p "Bitte geben Sie die Nummer des gewünschten WLAN-Netzes ein: " choice

# SSID basierend auf der ausgewählten Nummer ausgeben
if [ -n "$selected_ssid" ]; then
    read -s -p "Bitte geben Sie das Passwort für '$selected_ssid' ein: " password
    nmcli device wifi connect "$selected_ssid" password "$password"
    echo "Ungültige Auswahl. Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Nummer ein."
The comment lines are in German, because I had set the task in German.
Comfortable, I can formulate questions and tasks in my native language.
It's amazing that AI can help with programming.

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Post#11 by donald » 27 Apr 2024, 23:37

Kulle wrote:
27 Apr 2024, 07:13
......AI can help with programming.
Yes and no.

You have to have the knowledge yourself so you do understand what the code actually does.
Otherwise you may execute complete bullshit code.

...and if you have the knowledge, you don't need AI.

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Post#12 by Kulle » 28 Apr 2024, 07:57

Hi Donald,
For me, AI is a very big help.
I couldn't have done the script on my own.
But I now understand what the lines do.
I had never used awk before. That's why I let the AI give me some simple examples for the application of awk.
You learn so much faster than from books.
I will have more scripts programmed by the AI to perfect my bash programming skills.

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Post#13 by francois » 16 Jul 2024, 13:54

You can build Microsoft edge with spman:
spman to build microsoft-edge zoom, openoffice, vlc from sbo

On porteus, microsoft edge is a lot more responsive or fast than google-chrome.

Personnally, I think that AI cannot be ignored. To get to know what it could do for you is interesting.

My conclusions about microsoft-edge are from very efficient and pertinent to completely useless and frustrating.
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