You can download the releases at any of our mirrors: in the following folders:
Main changes include:
- Kernel 6.5.5
- Core is based on Slackware 15.0 plus updates from Slackware-15.0-patches(as of 2023-09-21)
- 8 desktop options to choose from! (7 for i586)
- Perl has been moved to 05-devel (so those that need it for some perl script will need get it, so as not to need to run with devel)
- Slackware package managers included: slapt-get and slackpkg (in core) and slpkg (in 05-devel)
- A simple wrapper for slapt-get: slapt-mod : to produce a module of the package (a revision of getmod by babam)
- Sysvinit static binary updated to 3.07 (and corresponding slackware package to match)
- A simple script: convertz : to convert a folder of xz compressed modules to zstd compressed modules.
- Updated the onboard FAQ documents regarding package management.
- BusyBox in initrd updated to 1.36.1, along with the other libs and bins.
- The xcb util stack moved to 002-xorg, for VirtualBox support, and more seamless use of the qt5 module with non qt DEs.
- Media player mpv updated to v0.36.0 .
- Prebuilt nvidia 535 and 470 driver modules (with multilib support) and VirtualBox 7.01 available in x86_64/Porteus-v5.01/kernel folder.
- New bootsplash provided by Blaze.
- Lxqt updated to latest. Other DEs: small interface changes eg. kde: dolphin has better filesystem navigation defaults
- New update script: update-onlyoffice for the OnlyOffice office suite (thanks Blaze)
Previous other of note:
A simple wrapper for slackpkg: pmod : to produce a module of the package
A small script: pkginfo : to provide some info about whether a package is installed, what's in it, whether it has missing libs and which module it's in, if any.
see Porteus-v5.0 updates for other changes since v5.0
1) Find the fastest mirror
Open a root console (root password is toor) and run: fastest-mirror
- This will place the fastest mirror for your area into the file /etc/porteus.conf
2) Set your passwords for guest and root
Open >System>Porteus Setting Centre>Security(lock symbol)>Porteus Password
3) Get a Web Browser via our 'Browser Selection and Update Tool' , log in to the forum and report all those bugs!

With special thanks to Blaze, neko, Hamza, babam and all those who reported bugs.