The Inner (Private Club) Circle...
Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 15:18
...Philosopher Mode: on
I've been around long enough to learn in life the game is always rigged.
If you are not part of the inner (inner) circle... you are NOT.
(see... Soft despotism )
If there's one thing I know it's... you can't change what the other guy does... only what you do about it.
I do NOT suffer fools gladly and I don't intend to start now.
I refuse to be baited in this forum by "stealth mods" posing as members. There will be NO rebuttal on this thread.
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I've been around long enough to learn in life the game is always rigged.
If you are not part of the inner (inner) circle... you are NOT.
(see... Soft despotism )
If there's one thing I know it's... you can't change what the other guy does... only what you do about it.
I do NOT suffer fools gladly and I don't intend to start now.
I refuse to be baited in this forum by "stealth mods" posing as members. There will be NO rebuttal on this thread.
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This is added while posting a message to avoid misusing the service