What the heck Porteus People?! Why have you got to make this so easy? Don't you know linux is supposed to be the impenetrable, impossible-to-fathom OS of russian mobsters? This OS is so easy to use, practically anybody can install and run it! You're ruining all the street cred Godfather Linus worked so hard to build!
Oh, yeah, the ISO maker - a CHOICE of BROWSER?! FIVE choices of DESKTOP?! Where's the partisanship?! The "KDE rules, the rest of you can drown in a dirty urinal"? Geez, you're going to make people think you all get along with each other or something. It's EMBARRASSING!
And this forum... I ask a question and somebody actually helps me?! No snarkiness, no "noob" scorn? C'mon, it's like you aren't even trying!
And all the updates, all the features, Canon support out of the box - you'll make people LAZY!
Seriously, major attitude problem here - not nearly enough attitude! You need to work on that!
TM (with tongue firmly in cheek)