Bring the Rage

Please post in this category if you are extremely unhappy with Porteus.
WARNING: This section may contain strong language.
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Bring the Rage

Post#1 by tmoulder99 » 09 Aug 2014, 23:25

Okay, never seen a sub-section like this, so here it goes:

What the heck Porteus People?! Why have you got to make this so easy? Don't you know linux is supposed to be the impenetrable, impossible-to-fathom OS of russian mobsters? This OS is so easy to use, practically anybody can install and run it! You're ruining all the street cred Godfather Linus worked so hard to build!

Oh, yeah, the ISO maker - a CHOICE of BROWSER?! FIVE choices of DESKTOP?! Where's the partisanship?! The "KDE rules, the rest of you can drown in a dirty urinal"? Geez, you're going to make people think you all get along with each other or something. It's EMBARRASSING!

And this forum... I ask a question and somebody actually helps me?! No snarkiness, no "noob" scorn? C'mon, it's like you aren't even trying!

And all the updates, all the features, Canon support out of the box - you'll make people LAZY!

Seriously, major attitude problem here - not nearly enough attitude! You need to work on that!

TM (with tongue firmly in cheek) :crazy:

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Re: Bring the Rage

Post#2 by Bogomips » 13 Aug 2014, 17:53

Methinks to redress the balance, there should be a Porteus Fawners' section where there could be all kinds of syncophantic raves. :angel:

bps (with tongue firmly in cheek)
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Re: Bring the Rage

Post#3 by fanthom » 13 Aug 2014, 18:38

not sure we really need this category (these things are obvious :wink: ) but just in case:

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Re: Bring the Rage

Post#4 by brokenman » 15 Aug 2014, 01:31

I will assume in this particular thread that the gloves come off.

The ISO maker is for dumbass green newbies who don't know what a terminal is. Choice. Choice? This is no damn democracy here. You get what you're given! We only give you a choice of two browsers that suck. If you can't compile your own iceweasel from source then you're stuck with GPU hungry fat ass memory hogs, and you probably deserve it. We offer five desktops because after you break the first one we don't want to answer lame questions, and will point you to an alternative. Either that, or tell you to go read the fuckin manual ... oh wait ... we stripped that out of the ISO cause we hate you. Canon is supported out of the box. The rest are supported in the box. Don't even open the damn box, they are all shit. Send them back. The ink costs more than the printer.

Bogomips, really? Talking about fawnicating and syncowhat here is not appropriate. Sounds like some perverted sexual practise. (bps with nose firmly in ass)

Aaah. That feels better. I felt so suppressed not being able to express myself in true linux style. :O:

PS: KDE sucks donkey balls. As do the Russian mobsters who probably use it. Real players boot to text mode and abhor lowly DEs.
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Re: Bring the Rage

Post#5 by francois » 15 Aug 2014, 10:28

Please follow thru... ... Tell us more...
... I am sure there his more to say....

Are'nt you feeling a little better now? (you have to hear here my profoundly empathic tone). 8)
Prendre son temps, profiter de celui qui passe.

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Re: Bring the Rage

Post#6 by brokenman » 15 Aug 2014, 17:10

I should note that when I say 'WE' in the above rant I refer to me and my alter ego and in no way wish to imply that this is the view of other Porteus developers. They are all way too nice and probably don't require medicating.
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