Chinese language modules for Porteus v5.0rc3

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White ninja
White ninja
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Distribution: porteus v5.0rc3

Chinese language modules for Porteus v5.0rc3

Post#1 by icake » 20 Jul 2021, 05:33

I have created icake Chinese language modules for Porteus version 5.0-RC3 separately for 32 and 64 bit systems. These Chinese language modules will provide Chinese support to the Porteus systems in 2 stages.

Stage 1 - Half-Chinese-Language-Module:
Stage 1 adds 2 functions to the system. The first function is to install Chinese fonts to display Chinese characters (otherwise the Chinese characters will be shown as squares “□”). The second function is to install a Chinese Language Input Platform with various Chinese input methods so that users can input Chinese in applications.
Under stage 1, all system user interfaces, desktop menus, sub-menus, pop-up tool-tips are still English.

Stage 1 was achieved by installing an icake half-Chinese language module (names contain en-zh). Each half-Chinese language module includes the yong Chinese Input Method platform version 2.5 (by dgod周永) and includes the following 23 Chinese language input methods:

Simplified Chinese(6)
鄭碼 cheng
二筆 erbi
內碼 neima
拼音 pinyin
永碼 yong
五筆 wubi

Traditional Chinese (17)
行列30 Array30
泰瑞倉頡 Chajei
華象直覺 hs
無蝦米 Boshiamy
倉頡聯想 ChajeiLC
泰瑞注音 Phon
倉頡第三代 Canjie3
倉頡注音 ChajeiPhon
漢語拼音 Pin
倉頡第五代 Canjie5
中文全字庫 cns11643
香港簡易速成 Quick
港式廣東話 Canton HK
大易三碼 Daiyi3
筆順五碼 Stroke5
廣東併音 Cantonese Pinyin
大易四碼 Daiyi4

Stage 2 – Chinese-Language-Modules:
Stage 2 will change all system user interfaces, desktop menus, sub-menus, pop-up tool-tips into Chinese (either Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese).
To get stage 2 Chinese support, you have to install one of the Chinese language modules. There are 2 classes of Chinese language modules, Traditional Chinese language modules (names contain zhhk) and Simplified Chinese language modules (names contain zhcn). To function normally, stage 2 modules assume that an appropriate half-Chinese-language-module has already been installed in the system to enable it to display and input Chinese characters.

To use:
a. You must install a half-Chinese language module first before installing any Chinese language module.

b. To get Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, install an appropriate half-Chinese language module. In an Porteus Linux system:
1. change user to root: (open a terminal; type: su root; press: enter; type password: toor; press: enter; type: startx; press: enter )
2. left click on the name of the selected half-Chinese module and confirm that you want to activate it.
3. After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

c. After installing an appropriate half-Chinese language moudle, the Porteus system can input and display Chinese.
To input Chinese:
1. open an application that allows user input (e.g. terminal or text editor).
2. put the cursor inside a user input field, then press Ctrl + space. This will activate the yong input platform and a Chinese input window will appear on the lower right corner of screen.
3. to select/change Chinese input method, move mouse on top of the first icon on the right hand side of the Chinese input window and left click mouse
4. a pop up window will come out, move mouse to "输入法" in this pop up window and another window will pop up with the 23 Chinese input methods
5. to select, move mouse to the name of the Chinese input method and right click mouse
6. move mouse to the input area of the application and start entering Chinese using the rules of the select Chinese input method

d. To get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you need to install an appropriate half-Chinese language module first. After getting Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, you can get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system by installing an appropriate Chinese language module. Under your Porteus Linux system, left click on the name of the selected Chinese language module and confirm that you want to activate it. After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

e. When you have Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you will have Chinese display, Chinese input, plus your desktop menu, sub-menu, mouse move over pop-up tool-tips are mostly shown in either Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

Names of Porteus Chinese language modules for the Porteus version 5.0-RC3 systems:
64 bit: yong64_20201122-en-zh-raring-214.0.6.xzm
32 bit: yong32_20201122-en-zh-raring-214.3.6.xzm

Stage 2 modules are designed to work for one Porteus system and so their names reflect the corresponding Porteus Linux system names.
1. for the Porteus-MATE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso system:
Simplified Chinese: porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhcn-214.0.6.xzm
Traditional Chinese: porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhhk-214.0.6.xzm

2. for the Porteus-MATE-v5.0rc3-i586.iso system:
Simplified Chinese: porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-i586-zhcn-214.3.6.xzm
Traditional Chinese: porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-i586-zhhk-214.3.6.xzm

3. for the Porteus-OPENBOX-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso system:
Simplified Chinese: porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhcn-214.0.6.xzm
Traditional Chinese: porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhhk-214.0.6.xzm

4. for the Porteus-OPENBOX-v5.0rc3-i586.iso system:
Simplified Chinese: porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-i586-zhcn-214.3.6.xzm
Traditional Chinese: porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-i586-zhhk-214.3.6.xzm

5. for the Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso system:
Simplified Chinese: porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhcn-214.0.6.xzm
Traditional Chinese: porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhhk-214.0.6.xzm

6. for the Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-i586.iso system:
Simplified Chinese: porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-i586-zhcn-214.3.6.xzm
Traditional Chinese: porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-i586-zhhk-214.3.6.xzm

Download addresses for the Porteus icake Chinese language modules:
a. half-Chinese Language modules (names contain en-zh): ... e-Modules/
b. Simplified Chinese Language modules (names contain zhcn): ... e-Modules/
c. Traditional Chinese Language modules (names contain zhhk): ... e-Modules/
d. user's manual: ... and-Tools/

Other notes:
There are still unresolved issues that prevent the yong Chinese input platform program to run on a number of applications in Porteus version 5.0-RC3. These include:
terminals: UXterminal, LXterminal
browsers: only seamonkey works, cannot run in palemoon, firefox, chromium, opera, light, brave
office: Libreoffice

I have attempted to run fcitx, SCIM and ibus Chinese input platforms on the Porteus version 5.0-RC3 system and still have unsolved issues.

White ninja
White ninja
Posts: 4
Joined: 20 Jul 2021, 03:58
Distribution: porteus v5.0rc3

Chinese language modules for Porteus v5.0rc3

Post#2 by icake » 27 Jul 2021, 03:07

Download addresses for the Porteus icake Chinese language modules:
a. half-Chinese Language modules (names contain en-zh): ... e-Modules/
b. Simplified Chinese Language modules (names contain zhcn): ... e-Modules/
c. Traditional Chinese Language modules (names contain zhhk): ... e-Modules/
d. user's manual (written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese): ... and-Tools/

Further to my release of Porteus 5.0-RC3 Chinese modules on Jul 19 2021, I have created 4 more half-Chinese modules and renamed all of these modules with a pre-fix of either 018 or 019.

More information and discussions about Porteus 5.0-RC3 : Porteus-v5.0rc3 is released (Post by ncmprhnsbl #83108)

Download Porteus 5.0-RC3 iso:

I have created 12 icake Chinese language modules for Porteus version 5.0-RC3 separately for 32 and 64 bit systems. These Chinese language modules will provide Chinese support to the Porteus systems in 2 stages.

Stage 1 - Half-Chinese-Language-Module:
Stage 1 adds 2 functions to the system. The first function is to install Chinese fonts to display Chinese characters (otherwise the Chinese characters will be shown as squares “□”). The second function is to install a Chinese Language Input Platform with various Chinese input methods so that users can input Chinese in applications.

Under stage 1, all system user interfaces, desktop menus, sub-menus, pop-up tool-tips are still English.

Stage 1 was achieved by installing an icake half-Chinese language module (names contain en-zh). Each half-Chinese language module includes the fcitx, scim or yong Chinese Input Method platform version 2.5 (by dgod周永).

The Chinese input methods included in the half-Chinese language modules are:

1. fcitx input platform:

fcitx 64 bit input platform (24 input methods):

行列30 Array30
無蝦米 Boshiamy
倉頡第三代 Canjie3
倉頡第五代 Canjie5
倉頡大字集 Canjie(Large)
港式廣東話 Cantonese HK
廣東併音 CantonesePinyin
新酷音 chewing
電報碼 dianbaoma
二筆 Erbi
粵語併音 jyutping
併音 Pinyin
速成第三代 Quick3
速成第五代 Quick5
速成 QuickClassic
雙併 Shuang Pin
筆順五碼 Stroke5
晚風 Wanfeng
五筆字型 Wubi
五筆大字集 Wubi (Large)
五筆拼音 Wubi Pinyin
鄭碼 zhengma
鄭碼大字集 zhengma (Large)
自然碼 Ziranma

fcitx 32 bit input platform (23 input methods):

行列30 Array30
無蝦米 Boshiamy
冰蟾全息 Bingchan
倉頡 Cangjie
倉頡第三代 Canjie3
倉頡第五代 Canjie5
廣東併音 Cantonese
港式廣東話 Cantonese HK
新酷音 chewing
中文全字庫 cns11643
電報碼 dianbaoma
二筆 Erbi
谷哥併音 Googlepinyin
粵語併音 jyutping
併音 Pinyin
速成第三代 Quick3
速成第五代 Quick5
雙併 Shuang Pin
筆順五碼 Stroke5
晚風 Wanfeng
五筆字型 Wubi
五筆拼音 Wubi Pinyin
自然碼 Ziranma

2. scim 64 bit and 32 bit input platform (23 input methods):

Simplified Chinese (6)

二筆 Erbi
二筆-青松 Erbi-Qs
谷哥併音 Googlepinyin
併音 Smart Pinyin
五筆 Wubi
自然碼 Ziranma

Traditional Chinese (17)
行列30 Array30
倉頡 Cangjie
倉頡 Cangjie3
倉頡 Cangjie5
港式廣東話 Canton HK
廣東併音 Cantonese Pinyin
新酷音 Chewing
中文全字庫 CNS11643
大易三碼 Daiyi 3
輕鬆大詞庫 Easy Big
粵語併音 Jyutping
速成 Quick
簡易 Simplex
筆順五碼 Stroke5
吳語注音法 Wu
注音 ZhuYin
注音大字集 Zhu Yin Big

3. yong 64 bit and 32 bit input platform (23 input methods)

Simplified Chinese(6)
鄭碼 cheng
二筆 erbi
內碼 neima
拼音 pinyin
永碼 yong
五筆 wubi

Traditional Chinese (17)
行列30 Array30
泰瑞倉頡 Chajei
華象直覺 hs
無蝦米 Boshiamy
倉頡聯想 ChajeiLC
泰瑞注音 Phon
倉頡第三代 Canjie3
倉頡注音 ChajeiPhon
漢語拼音 Pin
倉頡第五代 Canjie5
中文全字庫 cns11643
香港簡易速成 Quick
港式廣東話 Canton HK
大易三碼 Daiyi3
筆順五碼 Stroke5
廣東併音 Cantonese Pinyin
大易四碼 Daiyi4

Stage 2 – Chinese-Language-Modules:
Stage 2 will change all system user interfaces, desktop menus, sub-menus, pop-up tool-tips into Chinese (either Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese).

To get stage 2 Chinese support, you have to install one of the Chinese language modules. There are 2 classes of Chinese language modules, Traditional Chinese language modules (names contain zhhk) and Simplified Chinese language modules (names contain zhcn). To function normally, stage 2 modules assume that an appropriate half-Chinese-language-module has already been installed in the system to enable it to display and input Chinese characters.

To use:
a. You must install a half-Chinese language module first before installing any Chinese language module.

b. To get Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, install an appropriate half-Chinese language module. In an Porteus Linux system:
1. change user to root: (open a terminal; type: su root; press: enter; type password: toor; press: enter; type: startx; press: enter )
2. left click on the name of the selected half-Chinese module and confirm that you want to activate it.
3. After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

c. After installing an appropriate half-Chinese language moudle, the Porteus system can input and display Chinese.
To input Chinese:
1. open an application that allows user input (e.g. terminal or text editor).
2. put the cursor inside a user input field, then press Ctrl + space. This will activate the Chinese input platform and a Chinese input window will appear on the screen.
3. to setup, select or change Chinese input method, click on specific area of the Chinese input window and you will see the options
4. to input Chinese, move cursor to the input area of the application and start entering Chinese using the rules of the select Chinese input method

d. To get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you need to install an appropriate half-Chinese language module first. After getting Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, you can get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system by installing an appropriate Chinese language module. Under your Porteus Linux system, left click on the name of the selected Chinese language module and confirm that you want to activate it. After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

e. When you have Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you will have Chinese display, Chinese input, plus your desktop menu, sub-menu, mouse move over pop-up tool-tips are mostly shown in either Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

Names of Porteus Chinese language modules for the Porteus version 5.0-RC3 systems:
64 bit:

32 bit:

1. Porteus-MATE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhcn-221.0.0.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhhk-221.0.0.xzm

2. Porteus-MATE-v5.0rc3-i586.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-i586-zhcn-220.0.0.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-mate-v5.0rc3-i586-zhhk-220.0.0.xzm

3. Porteus-OPENBOX-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhcn-221.0.0.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhhk-221.0.0.xzm

4. Porteus-OPENBOX-v5.0rc3-i586.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-i586-zhcn-220.0.0.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-openbox-v5.0rc3-i586-zhhk-220.0.0.xzm

5. Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhcn-221.0.0.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-x86_64-zhhk-22.0.0.xzm

6. Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-i586.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-i586-zhcn-220.0.0.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0rc3-i586-zhhk-220.0.0.xzm

Other notes:
There are still unresolved issues that prevent the yong Chinese input platform program to run on a number of applications in Porteus version 5.0-RC3. These include:
terminals: UXterminal, LXterminal
browsers: only seamonkey works, cannot run in palemoon, firefox, chromium, opera, light, brave
office: Libreoffice

I have attempted to run ibus Chinese input platforms on the Porteus version 5.0-RC3 system and still have unsolved issues.

DEV Team
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Distribution: APorteus-FVWM-ja-x86_64.iso
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Chinese language modules for Porteus v5.0rc3

Post#3 by neko » 27 Jul 2021, 10:46

It's a great job !!

This ISO is my prototype for your reference.

APorteus-OPENBOX_zh-v21.07.27-x86_64.iso (604 M)
already been removed from upload site
md5sum: c1e1df6b87451f74204018d7dce15f2e APorteus-OPENBOX_zh-v21.07.27-x86_64.iso

APorteus-LXDE_zh-v21.08.03-i486.iso (638 M)
already been removed from upload site
md5sum: 80f0394656a94ab549bbede9770bd1d1 APorteus-LXDE_zh-v21.08.03-i486.iso


White ninja
White ninja
Posts: 4
Joined: 20 Jul 2021, 03:58
Distribution: porteus v5.0rc3

Chinese language modules for Porteus v5.0rc3

Post#4 by icake » 20 Sep 2022, 00:44

The Porteus team has released Porteus version 5.0 final (32 and 64 bit) on July 5, 2022.

more information and discussions: Porteus-v5.0 is released!

Download iso:

I have created 12 icake Chinese language modules for Porteus version 5.0 final separately for 32 and 64 bit systems. These Chinese language modules will provide Chinese support to the Porteus systems in 2 stages.

Stage 1 - Half-Chinese-Language-Module:
Stage 1 adds 2 functions to the system. The first function is to install Chinese fonts to display Chinese characters (otherwise the Chinese characters will be shown as squares “□”). The second function is to install a Chinese Language Input Platform with various Chinese input methods so that users can input Chinese in applications.

Under stage 1, all system user interfaces, desktop menus, sub-menus, pop-up tool-tips are still English.

Stage 1 was achieved by installing an icake half-Chinese language module (names contain en-zh). Each half-Chinese language module includes the fcitx, scim or yong Chinese Input Method platform version 2.5.

The Chinese input methods included in the half-Chinese language modules are:

1. fcitx input platform:
fcitx 64 bit input platform (29 input methods):
fcitx 32 bit input platform (24 input methods):

2. scim 64 bit and 32 bit input platform (24 input methods)

3. yong 64 bit and 32 bit input platform (25 input methods)

Stage 2 – Chinese-Language-Modules:
Stage 2 will change all system user interfaces, desktop menus, sub-menus, pop-up tool-tips into Chinese (either Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese).

To get stage 2 Chinese support, you have to install one of the Chinese language modules. There are 2 classes of Chinese language modules, Traditional Chinese language modules (names contain zhhk) and Simplified Chinese language modules (names contain zhcn). To function normally, stage 2 modules assume that an appropriate half-Chinese-language-module has already been installed in the system to enable it to display and input Chinese characters.

To use:
a. You must install a half-Chinese language module first before installing any Chinese language module.

b. To get Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, install an appropriate half-Chinese language module. In an Porteus Linux system:
1. change user to root: (open a terminal; type: su root; press: enter; type password: toor; press: enter; type: startx; press: enter )
2. left click on the name of the selected half-Chinese module and confirm that you want to activate it.
3. After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

c. After installing an appropriate half-Chinese language moudle, the Porteus system can input and display Chinese.
To input Chinese:
1. open an application that allows user input (e.g. terminal or text editor).
2. put the cursor inside a user input field, then press Ctrl + space. This will activate the Chinese input platform and a Chinese input window will appear on the screen.
3. to setup, select or change Chinese input method, click on specific area of the Chinese input window and you will see the options
4. to input Chinese, move cursor to the input area of the application and start entering Chinese using the rules of the select Chinese input method

d. To get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you need to install an appropriate half-Chinese language module first. After getting Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, you can get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system by installing an appropriate Chinese language module. Under your Porteus Linux system, left click on the name of the selected Chinese language module and confirm that you want to activate it. After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

e. When you have Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you will have Chinese display, Chinese input, plus your desktop menu, sub-menu, mouse move over pop-up tool-tips are mostly shown in either Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

Names of Porteus Chinese language modules for the Porteus version 5.0 final systems:

64 bit:

32 bit:

1. Porteus-XFCE-v5.0-x86_64.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-x86_64-zhcn-221.0.1.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-x86_64-zhhk-221.0.1.xzm

2. Porteus-XFCE-v5.0-i586.iso
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-i586-zhcn-220.0.1.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-i586-zhhk-220.0.1.xzm

Download addresses for the Porteus icake Chinese language modules: ... 5.0-final/

Other notes:
There are still unresolved issues that prevent the yong Chinese input platform program to run on a number of applications in Porteus version 5.0.

These include:
terminals: UXterminal, LXterminal
browsers: only seamonkey works, cannot run in palemoon, firefox, chromium, opera, light, brave
office: Libreoffice

I have attempted to run gcin and ibus Chinese input platforms on the Porteus version 5.0 system and still have unsolved issues.

White ninja
White ninja
Posts: 4
Joined: 20 Jul 2021, 03:58
Distribution: porteus v5.0rc3

Chinese language modules for Porteus v5.0rc3

Post#5 by icake » 03 Oct 2022, 20:57

Further to my recent post about Chinese modules for Porteus 5.0 (32 and 64 bit) on Sep 20, 2022, I have created additional modules based on gcin and hime input platform. The total number of half-Chinese modules is now 10:

(A) Half-Chinese modules:
a. 64 bit:
018-fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-221.0.1.xzm (29 input methods)
018-gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-221.0.1.xzm (16 input methods)
018-hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-221.0.1.xzm (10 input methods)
018-scim64_1.4.15-en-zh-bionic-221.0.1.xzm (24 input methods)
018-yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-221.0.1.xzm (25 input methods)

b. 32 bit:
018-fcitx32_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-220.0.1.xzm (23 input methods)
018-gcin32_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-220.0.1.xzm (16 input methods)
018-hime32_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-220.0.1.xzm (10 input methods)
018-scim32_1.4.15-en-zh-bionic-220.0.1.xzm (23 input methods)
018-yong32_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-220.0.1.xzm (25 input methods)

In addition, there are 4 Chinese modules:

(B) Chinese modules:
64 bit
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-x86_64-zhcn-221.0.1.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-x86_64-zhhk-221.0.1.xzm

32 bit
Simplified Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-i586-zhcn-220.0.1.xzm
Traditional Chinese: 019-porteus-xfce-v5.0-i586-zhhk-220.0.1.xzm

(C) To use:
1. You must install a half-Chinese language module under (A) first before installing any Chinese language module under (B).

2. To get Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, install an appropriate half-Chinese language module (under A) as follows:
In an Porteus Linux system:
a. change user to root: (open a terminal; type: su root; press: enter; type password: toor; press: enter; type: startx; press: enter )
b. left click on the name of the selected half-Chinese module and confirm that you want to activate it.
c. After the installation process finished, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

3. After installing an appropriate half-Chinese language moudle, the Porteus system can input and display Chinese.
To input Chinese:
a. open an application that allows user input (e.g. terminal or text editor).
b. put the cursor inside a user input field, then press Ctrl + space. This will activate the Chinese input platform and a Chinese input window will appear on the screen.
c. to setup, select or change Chinese input method, click on specific area of the Chinese input window (in the tray on top right corner of screen) and you will see the options
d. to input Chinese, move cursor to the input area of the application and start entering Chinese using the rules of the select Chinese input method

4. To get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you need to install an appropriate half-Chinese language module (under A) first. After getting Stage 1 Chinese support to your system, you can get Stage 2 Chinese support to your system by installing an appropriate Chinese language module under (B).
Under your Porteus Linux system:
a. change user to root: (open a terminal; type: su root; press: enter; type password: toor; press: enter; type: startx; press: enter)
b. left click on the name of the selected Chinese language module and confirm that you want to activate it.

After the installation, please restart X server manually by opening a terminal, type: startx, press: return.

5. When you have Stage 2 Chinese support to your system, you will have Chinese display, Chinese input, plus your desktop menu, sub-menu, mouse move over pop-up tool-tips are mostly shown in either Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

(D) user guide
More details about these half-Chinese and Chinese language modules can be found in a pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and
Traditional Chinese“20210829_icake_porteus_chinese_module_user_guide.pdf”.

(E) Other notes:
1. There are still unresolved issues that prevent the yong Chinese input platform program to run on a number of applications in Porteus version 5.0. These include:
a. terminals: UXterminal, LXterminal
b. browsers: only seamonkey works, cannot run in palemoon, firefox, chromium, opera, light, brave
c. office: Libreoffice

2. I have attempted to run fcitx5 and ibus Chinese input platforms on the Porteus version 5.0 system and still have unsolved issues.

download address for these Chinese modules and user guide: ... v5.0-final

Oct 4, 2022

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