Porteus-v5.01 bug reports

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Porteus-v5.01 bug reports

Post#211 by Ed_P » 24 Jan 2025, 19:09

Jethro wrote:
24 Jan 2025, 00:01
I am a noob amateur so this nearly made me give up on Porteus.
Thank you Jethro for sharing your experience. I admire your persistence. :good:

Can you try one thing for me? Reverse this change:
Jethro wrote:
24 Jan 2025, 00:01
APPEND changes=/mnt/sda1/porteus/porteussave.dat
##APPEND changes=/porteus
and add changes=/mnt/sda1/porteus/porteussave.dat to the mnt/sda1/porteus/porteus-v5.0-i586.cfg file and try booting. Let me know if changes are being saved.
Jethro wrote:
24 Jan 2025, 00:01
Checking all the .cfg files I found no link in those files that bootup will check porteus-v5.0-i586.cfg !

The search is done when booting by initrd.

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Porteus-v5.01 bug reports

Post#212 by dreadbird » 30 Jan 2025, 09:37

rsync changes commit (full rsync version)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F-KUIO ... sp=sharing

files are copied by the folder method
rsync reads from an exclude file without regex excludes folders and files
a log file with only those files that changed is produced

no files are copied unless they have be changed straight to hdd.

EXFILES=/tmp/save.exfiles.tmp has directories and .wh. files to exclude non regex for rsync to read

possible changes:

the rsync exclude file will have all the ..wh.. files listed to exclude. as well as the directories from changes-exit.conf

but what if you put a pattern in place of say 20 different ..wh.. files in the exclude file

you could use exclude these directories
and just the one ..wh.. exression to excude those

rsync --exclude-from=excludefile.txt --exclude '\.wh\.*' this works

exclude the directories in the file EXFILES
anyfile starting with .wh. will be excluded

Including that change
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dsaM7i ... sp=sharing

EXCL=/tmp/save.excl.tmp has all files and directories excluded (this list eniterly every file we want to exclude as normal) including every .wh. file

its a manifest of everything to exclude so we can use it to compare rsyncs log

EXFILES=/tmp/save.exfiles.tmp has directories to exclude parsed from changes-exit.conf this is for rsync to read in non regex and is what the user put in there
rsync excludes any file starting with .wh. when copying to drive

Combined with everything builtin the save.excl.tmp and save.exfiles.tmp so can work with both files for making changes
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jY3ChM ... sp=sharing

rsync reads from exfiles non regex. but the regex exclusions are still there to do egrep and possibly switching rsync to regex mode

This has all the regex fixed so rsync can exclude from the excludefiles and '\.wh\.*' with function fixexcl so this is the final version
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14nqDqj ... sp=sharing
Last edited by dreadbird on 05 Feb 2025, 14:31, edited 4 times in total.

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Porteus-v5.01 bug reports

Post#213 by ncmprhnsbl » 31 Jan 2025, 13:50

dreadbird wrote:
30 Jan 2025, 09:37
possible changes:

the rsync exclude file will have all the ..wh.. files listed to exclude. as well as the directories from changes-exit.conf

but what if you put a pattern in place of say 20 different ..wh.. files in the exclude file

you could use exclude these directories
and just the one ..wh.. exression to excude those

rsync --exclude-from=excludefile.txt --exclude '\.wh\.*' this works

exclude the directories in the file EXFILES
anyfile starting with .wh. will be excluded

Including that change
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dsaM7i ... sp=sharing

EXCL=/tmp/save.excl.tmp has all files and directories excluded (this list eniterly every file we want to exclude as normal) including every .wh. file

its a manifest of everything to exclude so we can use it to compare rsyncs log

EXFILES=/tmp/save.exfiles.tmp has directories to exclude parsed from changes-exit.conf this is for rsync to read in non regex and is what the user put in there
rsync excludes any file starting with .wh. when copying to drive
looks good :) ..should be able to ditch that sed regex trickery this way
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Porteus-v5.01 bug reports

Post#214 by dreadbird » 02 Feb 2025, 21:28

EXFILES=/tmp/save.exfiles.tmp will list all the .wh. files and excluded directories

lets take this example home/guest/Downloads/.wh.save-changesnew.tar (4).gz

rsync misses it in that exclude file. but does exclude it with --exclude '\.wh\.*'

so conventiently save.exfiles.tmp provides a log of everything you want to exclude so you can quickly check everything is functioning

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Porteus-v5.01 bug reports

Post#215 by dreadbird » 03 Feb 2025, 01:39

I have made a new script you might be interested in

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l-l1rj ... sp=sharing recentchanges

calls on
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDtvO- ... sp=sharing compilesearch.sh
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NyDid7 ... sp=sharing recentchangessearch.sh

tared up the .xzm https://drive.google.com/file/d/19jcH4I ... sp=sharing
recentchanges aka Developer buddy v 0.9740


recentchanges s Grab all files in s seconds or newer also include search to /tmp. Will show differences between last search and also the current search
recentchanges all files 5 minutes or newer includes search. Goes to /tmp "" ""

recentchanges search Search files only 5min or newer. goes to /Downloads Will show differences ect
recentchanges search s Search files s seconds or new files only /Downloads

recentchanges compile dynamically build a filter. shows where files and how they slip past a filter

Supports deepscan mode and regular scan. With or without file timestamps

recentchanges -v version number
recentchanges --help or -h usage information

it will pull all files 5 minutes or newer into a temporary staging directory. It will then make a module rntfiles.xzm and put it in /tmp along with a file manifest of the xzm and a transfer log to the temporary staging directory.

Uses? lets say you compiled a program

recentchanges 30 pulls all new files 30 seconds or new right into rntfiles.xzm

dont know where a file is or what changed? or where your compiled files ended up? type recentchanges to find out exactly where and what happened.

files you get

rntfiles.xzm <------------------------what changed? or your new program
rntfilesmanifest <-------------------------------your .xzm file manifest
rntfilesTransferlog <-------------------------------------file transfer to temporary storage directory to verify pulling went ok
rntfilesxSystemchanges5 or 300 <---------------------------------------if you specified seconds
rntfilesxSystemDiffSinceLast5 or 300 <------------------------------------ Exact changes since last 300 ie 1 or 2 files?

recentchanges aka Developer buddy version .9610
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dLtdqp ... sp=sharing

if a search is called and no files are new it will leave the old rntfiles.xzm. If there are new files it will bundle it up and all pertinent logs including xSystemChanges into a unique dir in /tmp. to not overwrite a rntfiles.xzm
if you type recentchanges and 3 minutes later type recentchanges it will take your old search compare it to the new one and spit out a difference file. xSystemDiffSinceLast5

it will clear out only searches so if you type recentchanges or recentchanges 60 it will clear old search such as recentchanges 3600

if a file no longer exists it conveniently prints
2025-02-05 20:40:09 /home/guest/.xsession-errors
File does not exist /home/guest/.cache/mesa_shader_cache_db/part0/mesa_cache.idx

so this tells you its a cache item it was there for a split second and disappeared. Then with xSystemDiff you can see ok these 5 files are the only new files on my entire system. and thats without filters. so you can see how clean rntfiles.xzm will be to pull.

you could use this to dynamically build filters in the script for rntfiles.xzm'

future plans

recentchanges search or search 300 will stictly search and if there are new files wont make rntfiles.xzm

recentchanges compile will dynamically build a filter present for the system and store it in a configuration file for the user to use

I would like to learn python and do some further work with that as its starting to get complicated and bash scripting may not be the best

v 0.9740
- added a deepscan mode. it will search 60 seconds back and 300 seconds ahead. So while you use the system it will report what files are being created. it will output the exact differences and append search with other search ie 60 seconds with the 300. then outputs a filter recommendation ie what slipped through the filter. Also outputs the total system changes without the filter.

regular scan is 30 seconds back and 60 seconds ahead. then outputs the filter with instructions in /home/guest/.config/save-changesnew

xCustomFilterProfile <-------- what slipped through the filter during the 360 seconds search
xSysDifferences360seconds <--------- full system changes unfiltered (360 seconds) appends 60 to the 300 only unique file instances
xCustomFilterDiff <--------- differential from 60 back and 300 ahead what changed during the 300 seconds ie made it through the filters
xCustomFilterInstructions <---------- suggestions

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